Cardio Buzz

A channel for cardiology news and updates.

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Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

Join us in this episode of Cardio Buzz as we bring you the latest updates from the European Society of Cardiology conference held in London. Discover groundbreaking clinical trials and new guidelines that promise to reshape the practice of cardiology. We will break down the ten most impactful clinical trials and four new guidelines on hypertension, chronic coronary disease, atrial fibrillation, and peripheral/aortic diseases. Stay ahead in your field with our concise and insightful analysis. Subscribe, like, and hit the notification bell to stay informed on all cardiology advancements.
00:00 Introduction to the European Society of Cardiology Conference
00:59 Top 10 Late-Breaking Clinical Trials
04:41 New Guidelines Overview
05:38 Hypertension Guidelines
09:30 Chronic Coronary Artery Disease Guidelines
15:08 Peripheral Arterial and Aortic Disease Guidelines
20:33 Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines
23:58 Conclusion and Next Steps

Saturday Aug 17, 2024

In this episode of Cardio Buzz, the discussion focuses on the potential of stem cell therapy to transform cardiology. Host Dr. Hussain interviews Dr. Yahya Kiwan, an experienced cardiologist and stem cell research advocate. They explore the application of stem cells in treating advanced heart conditions, including post-myocardial infarction and chronic heart failure. The episode covers the sources of stem cells, their harvesting and injection techniques, clinical trial results, and success stories. Dr. Kiwan addresses the ethical considerations and the future of regenerative medicine, emphasizing the need for greater awareness and education in the field. The episode concludes with information on upcoming educational opportunities and fellowships in regenerative cardiology.
00:48 The Promise of Stem Cells in Cardiology
01:31 Interview with Dr. Yahya Kiwan
04:13 Sources and Types of Stem Cells
05:55 Stem Cell Therapy Techniques
10:45 Current Applications and Success Stories
17:18 Future Perspectives and Ethical Considerations
19:38 Learning More About Regenerative Medicine
21:20 Conclusion and Next Steps

Saturday Jun 08, 2024

In this episode of CardioBuzz, host Dr. Hussien discusses advanced CPR techniques and challenges from a cardiologist's perspective, featuring Dr. Naeem Toosy, a consultant in emergency medicine. The conversation delves into critical aspects like when to stop resuscitation, use of mechanical circulatory support devices, and the effectiveness of mechanical chest compression devices. Dr. Tusi outlines the significance of early recognition, the role of the public in initiating CPR, and the potential benefits of ECMO during CPR. He underscores the need for national-level education on CPR and the importance of the Good Samaritan law in encouraging public intervention during cardiac arrests.
00:00 Introduction to CardioBuzz
00:08 Overview of CPR Challenges
00:33 Introducing Dr. Naeem Toosy
01:36 Importance of Brain Resuscitation
03:11 When to Stop Resuscitation
06:20 Mechanical Chest Compression Devices
07:49 ECMO in CPR
13:04 National Strategies to Reduce Cardiovascular Mortality
18:04 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Sunday May 26, 2024

In this episode of Cardio Buzz, host and guest Dr. Daniel Jones discuss contrast nephropathy, a kidney injury caused by contrast agents used in medical imaging, and a promising intervention to reduce its incidence. Dr. Jones explains that inorganic nitrates, which are naturally found in green leafy vegetables, have shown significant potential in preventing contrast-induced nephropathy and associated acute kidney injuries in a recent study. This study involved 640 high-risk patients and demonstrated that inorganic nitrates reduced kidney injuries by 60% and improved long-term cardiovascular outcomes. The episode concludes with a conversation about the practical implications and future research plans for this intervention.

Acute Coronary Syndromes Part 1

Saturday Apr 20, 2024

Saturday Apr 20, 2024

Plastics in our hearts

Saturday Apr 20, 2024

Saturday Apr 20, 2024

Microplastics are small pieces of plastic less than five millimeters in size that result from the degradation of larger plastic items. Derived from synthetic materials such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride, plastics are known for their durability and low cost but pose significant environmental and health risks due to their inability to biodegrade. Microplastics, including even smaller nanoplastics, are found everywhere - in our food, water, air, and even within the human body, where they can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Italian researchers published their work in March 2024, found microplastics in the atherosclerotic plaques of patients with carotid artery stenosis. This presence of micro and nanoplastics was associated with higher levels of inflammation and an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. While this finding indicates a correlation rather than causation, it raises concerns about the potential health impacts of microplastics. We provide practical advice on minimizing exposure to microplastics, such as avoiding single-use plastics, choosing products with minimal or no plastic packaging, and opting for natural fibers over synthetic ones.
00:00 Introduction to Plastics: Types and Properties
00:26 The Environmental and Health Impact of Microplastics
01:39 Investigating Microplastics in Human Arteries: A Groundbreaking Study
02:25 Study Findings: Microplastics in Atherosclerotic Plaques
03:12 Implications of the Study: Association vs. Causation
03:44 Practical Steps to Minimize Microplastic Exposure
04:47 Conclusion: The Challenge of Avoiding Microplastics

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

With #diabetes projected to affect 783 million patients globally, understanding its connection to #coronary disease, #heartfailure , and #kidneydisease is crucial. We explore the latest guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology and break down the essentials, from diabetes diagnosis to cardiovascular risk assessment, lifestyle modifications, glucose-lowering medications, and other topics.
 #heart #healthcare #medicine #doctor #nurse #medical #coronavirus #covid19 #healthylifestyle #hospital #mentalhealth #dentistry #pharmacy #surgery #healthtips #weightloss #fitness #workout #diet #nutrition #exercise #wellness #selfcare #prevention #disease #treatment #research

الكورونا والقلب

Thursday Sep 14, 2023

Thursday Sep 14, 2023

لدينا جميعاً شعور أن حالات الموت المفاجئ ☠️ دون سابق إنذار قد زادت  بين أوساط الشباب والرياضيين 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
وعندما اجتاحتنا الكورونا 😷😷😷 في سنة ألفين وعشرين وزادت معها معدل الوفيات طبعا وزاد معها شعورنا بكثرة حالات الموت المفاجئ
ونسبها البعض الى الكورونا نفسها ونسبها البعض الآخر للتطعيمات أو اللقاحات واختلط في ذلك العلم.. بتأويلات مدّعي العلم وبنظريات المؤامرة
فهل هناك علاقة بين الإصابة بالكورونا والموت المفاجئ  
وماذا عن اللقاحات وأثرها؟💉💉
الإجابة المباشرة والقصيرة هي نعم 
هناك ارتباط بين الإصابة بالكورونا وأمراض القلب والموت المفاجئ 💔💔❤️‍🩹
ونعم هناك ارتباط بين لقاحات الكورونا وبعض أمراض القلب 💔 
ولكن دعونا نبدأ القصة من البداية 

Friday Sep 08, 2023

في قديم الزمان ، كان البشر يعتقدون أن أقدارهم محددة في النجوم والأفلاك والكواكب ولايزال الكثير ممن أعرفهم يعتقدون أن أبراجهم الفلكية ترسم شخصياتهم وتحدد مصيرهم في الحياة 
أما في الطب الحديث، وبدلاً من رسم خرائط الأبراج الفلكية ، يمكننا رسم خرائط للجينات. 
وقد خريطة الجينات هذه على التنبؤ بمن سيمرض ومتى سيمرض وبأي مرض سيصاب. 
ولكن أيهما أكثر تأثير على خطر الإصابة بأمراض القلب؟ جودة الجينات أم جودة العادات؟ 
هل يمكن إن وَرّثنا آباؤنا طفرات جينية واقية أن تحمينا من أثر العادات الصحية السيئة؟ 
وعلى العكس هل يمكن لنمط الحياة الصحي أن يحد من تأثير الطفرات الجينية المؤذية الموروثة؟


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